Garden geeks, free-thinkers, dog lovers, and deeply devoted, well-trained, passionate people.

Meet Our Herbal Experts
We have the good fortune of working with some of the most renowned and respected herbal experts in their fields. From herbalists, chemists, and ethnobotanists to sourcing experts, teachers, and clinicians, our team takes great pride in their work. Whether they are formulating our herbal wellness products, seeking excellence in quality control, working on new sustainability initiatives, or educating and marketing to our customers, they represent a depth and expertise of herbal knowledge that is second to none.

Meet Our Herbal Experts
What is Herbalism?
From a technical perspective, herbalism is the art and science of applying herbs for promoting health. It is often referred to as, and encompasses concepts of, Herbology, Herbal Medicine, Phytomedicine, Phytotherapy, and Phytopharmacology, among other names.
It has persisted as the world’s primary form of medicine since the beginning of time, with a written history more than 5,000 years old. It’s an ever-evolving relationship to not only understand the “medicinal value” in herbs but to understand them in the greater context of the natural world and the interrelation of plants and human activity.

What is an Herbalist?
Generally speaking, herbalists are people who dedicate their lives to working with medicinal plants. This understanding of the medicinal aspects of plants may lead them to become traditional healers, clinical herbalists, scientists, naturopaths, holistic medical doctors, researchers, writers, herbal pharmacists, botanists, ethnobotanists, herbal medicine makers, wild crafters, herb growers, or midwives, to name a few. You might even find an herbalist in your family tree educated through passed down herbal traditions.