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( Self-Care )

4 Plant-Inspired Self-Love Practices

The relationship you have with yourself is the most important you will ever have. Putting our own needs first is not selfish, it’s a necessity, and one that sometimes we...

Best Teas for Detox Support

While “detoxing” may appear to be a modern-day reaction to what seems like an increasingly toxic world, the truth is detoxification has been integral to ancient herbal traditions for centuries....

4 Steps to Thrive with Herbs this Winter

Winter is upon us. With its chilly weather and lengthened nights, we are drawn towards warmth and hibernation. Yet, our modern lives beckon us outwards, exposing us to the vulnerabilities...

Best Herbs for Men

Have you ever noticed that most articles about men’s health seem to focus solely on men’s virility? In herbalism, we believe that a man’s health is much more comprehensive. When...

8 Ways to Stay Well in Fall

Autumn has arrived and with it comes cooler air, golden sunsets, brilliant fall foliage and shorter days. With less daylight and more seasonal gatherings, it can sometimes feel like there...

Herbal Sleep Hygiene Rituals

A good night’s sleep is precious. It can put the bounce back in our step, a smile back on our face, and even restore us to health when we’ve been...

Herbs, Parents & Back-to-School Season

When the last of summer’s long, endless days come to a close, and the briskness of fall fills the air, we know back-to-school season is upon us. As you and...

Best Teas for Skin Health

The skin is one of the most fascinating systems of the body. Known as the integumentary system, the skin is the largest organ of the body, stretching two square meters...

Summer Vacation Wellness Kit

Summer vacation is a great time of the year to reset body, mind, and spirit. Whether you’re stepping out of your normal routines for an outdoor adventure, or stealing away...

Best Herbs for Women

Womanhood means something different for every woman, but one thing is universal: as daughters, mothers, spouses, friends and coworkers, our default mantra is often “give, give, give.” At times, this...

Best Teas for the Cold Season

Feeling under the weather as the temperature is dropping? Herbs can help. We turn to plant allies like echinacea, elderberry, yarrow, and eucalyptus for extra support when we need it...

Best Teas for Digestive Support

Did you know herbs are some of the most effective digestive aids? Teas made with ginger, peppermint, and chamomile are incredibly popular, and for good reason—they work. But they aren’t...

Tulsi with Ginger Tea for Stress Support

Tulsi is a beloved herb of South Asia, celebrated by Ayurvedic healers for over 5,000 years for its all-encompassing, everyday health-promoting properties and is revered by Hindus as a sacred...

Get Active with Turmeric Tea

For years, we’ve wanted to create a tea that addresses inflammation associated with an active lifestyle. As far as we’re concerned, inflammation often gets a bad rap. And what a...

Best Teas for Relaxation and Stress Relief

Nature has this seemingly magical ability to make us feel relaxed and at ease. Whether it’s a long camping trip in the woods or just a brisk walk down the...

3 Detox Teas for EveryDay Wellness

We have all heard the “new year, new you” mantra, advocating that we empty our closets, create resolutions and detox our lives. Every checkout line magazine and wellness center across...

11 Plants for Wellness

  Those mints offered at the end of your meal have a story to tell. They’re modern day descendants of the peppermint plant, also known as Mentha x piperita. In...

Showing 25-41 of 41 items